character reaction and animation
when i was first drawing the style for the animation. i drew the character which i was visualizing in my mind. this was a prilimary charcter but i endened up liking the style of the character, it need devolpment but it had emotion in it
i then split the characters elements apart so i could find the right stlye
with the hair i liked the idea of the hair changing about and looking scractchy, it also works well to make the height of the character stay consitent as the hair can move.
for eyes the lines had alot of emotion but were easy to keep consitent. same with the mouth
the face shape i wanted to look smooth but human like
nose looked good from all angles
for the kneck i made the head overlap for easiness
body and legs i kept slim and long to be normal.
these were me combinging the elements to see how it works
skin colour was white as it kept it away from the background
this is my turn around for the character. i put in reference lines to make sure the charcter was proportioned right. i followed examples online and worked it to my character.
these are all the links i used for my character.
research into sharing layers in illustaor so i could speed the proccess up
after effects triming video
keyframes in after effects
youtube frame skipping to help animation drawing
the video i used to get possitions for the walk away animation. i watched through it frame by frame and then drew it for my charcacter.
walk cycles
walking away walk cyles for my frame by frame animation[]=2d%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=walk%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=cycle%7Ctyped
more refrences for walk cyles.
animation flicker style
this is when i started scanning in my drawings to illustator and creating vector versions. i made sure to keep part seperate to allow animation of the seperate parts in duik
i used the pencil tool to make the lines look scetched. for the colouring i idividually coloured in each character with the pencil tool and changed the colour slightly for every time to create the shadded look. it took a long time but was worth it as other ways of doing it was using gradients but looked to computer generated.
i kept the face white as it was a style i like as it stood againsts the background.
i made sure the ends of each joined matched each other in a cicrle so it could move around naturally later
i did this technic for all the turn arounds of the charater, and flipped it for the other angle.
this is a prillimary verson of the charcter, done with shapes, i learnt how to do this but it looked to fake.
after effects rigging.
this is the lynda tutorial i used to learn rigging and animation in duik
it was tricky, lots of problems with working my way around master rigs.
the rig allowed me move the parts of the character with relation to the other body parts. it also allowed me to create walk cycles.
this is my walk forward walk cycle, i realised i couldnt use duik for walk cycle for walking forward so i looked at some of the refrences i put before and went through the video and the animation guide book to draw a walk cycle frame by frame for the walk forward and walk away.
i had to put it into after effects to see how it worked together, i used refrence lines to make sure they matched up, but in after afters i saw what frames didnt work and then changed it in illustaor.
for the duik rig versons i went every 3 frames and animated the positions it would be for contact down pass up and contact and repeated for the other leg.
i did this for each of the turn arounds i had to work with position and rotation keyframes
i then precomposed it and added a time remap so i could change the speed of the walk when ever i wanted and add it to the scene easier
these are all the practice versions i did for walking forward, i tried to make it work with the rig but it didnt work.
here are the scetches i did for the walk towards and away from the camera.
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