now i had all my sounds it was time to start editing
I did all my editing in protools as it is in my opinion the best for sound editing.
i started by creating my project and organisng all my clips into sections and naming the files i was using.
i decided the first thing i should do is create my back ground resonance track.
i placed the resonance tracks on seperate tracks. i had about 3 for the singing bowls and 1 bass harmonics sounds and 1 tunning fork track. i then listened through the tracks a selected the parts i thought were the best. i then created 3 singing bowl tracks 1 bass harmonic track and 1 tuning fork track.
i put all the singing bowl clips on 3 separate tracks. i of set each one so they merged together. i managed to level them against eachother so they worked together.
i made the tuning fork track one long droneing note by fading the tracks together into one track and cutting out the silent and broken parts of the clips.
i selected the parts of the bass harmonics i liked and put them in one long "melody" i did one verson with the pluck of the string and one without. i prefered the one without as it matched with the other resonances.
I then decided the best thing to do was to create the voice over track. that would give me the structure of the "story" to put the desriptive sounds to. i started by getting all my voice over recordings on a unused part of the workplace. i then worked from the script taking phrases ie. "you are a brilliant scientist" and then i would find the versions of that phrase in the recordings. cut them out. put them next to each other, and then decided which one sounded best. id then delete the others and put it on the voice over track. id did this slow process for the whole voice over.
i then started with the first descriptive sound which was the scientist sounds. the books and keyboard. for the book sounds i had to make sure it flowed. so i choose the parts which worked together and then layered them together so they sounded "thicker". i then used the keyboard as a rhythm for the books.
the next sound was the apple sound. i put first the cutting sound and then the biting sound i had to cut out the unpleasent eating sounds. this created a sequential sound describing the ripness of the apple.
then i had to work on the sea sounds. this was the most difficult bit and will go into more detail later.
i then put the door opening and filled it will chat which slowley increased in intensity through personlised fade ins.
for the Beatle chat i did several diffrent things to each chat i created. first for organisation i chose diffrent sections of the chat from diffrent mic locations this created a wider sound. i then for the first track made the volume increase over time. for the second i made the eq change over time so the highs go less. for the 3rd i made the track reverse using studio effects. i created one half normal the other reversed then create a fade between them.
for the heart beat and footsteps i had to level them pefectly against the voice so they are the but not distracting.
this is my tracks. i have about 8 more that can be seen. i have a mix of mono and stereo tracks.
this is a view of my whole mix down. it shows how the resonancse are a constant sound through out the piece created via placment and loops. then there is the voice over going through the piece with gaps to add power to the sounds and give space to other sounds.
also you can see the book sound section. the sea section. the electric buzz section. the door and voice section and the finally the voices and footstep and heartbeat section.
this is my resonance tracks. as you can see there is 3 singing bowl tracks which i took the sections i wanted and create 3 symbotic tracks. the red track is the bass harmonics. they differ from pitch but are smoothly put together via having no pluck sound and having cross fades. with the tunning fork i took out the bits i didnt need and created a long droned using fades and loops.
i also panned 1 singing bowl right and 1 left and one in the middle.
from this you can see the effect i put on the 2nd singing bowl track. i put a pitch shift so for cetain parts of the voice over "story" the pitch would go up or down to give a cetain feeling. i had to use cross fades so it wasnt too sudden.
this shows how i cut out the voice over a put it in cetain places to give emphasis to cetain parts and create an overall story.
i place them so it fitted with the backing track. i made sure the vocal track was the right level to fit with the rest of the track and not get lost. in cetain places i creativly liked the voice being overpowered slightly aswell.
for the book sounds i placed them in cetain places so the sound had more depth. i added a 1 band eq to take out the low rusle and bumps in the book sounds so i kept the high end sound of book flips i want. i made sure there was a slow fade out so it works with the other sounds at that part.
this shows how i connected the apple with the book part and the sea part.
this also shows the stucture of the sea part.
for the sea structure i did one running tap sound to create a constant background sound of water. then 2 wave tracks created in the bath put togther so they are in parral. also there is 1 track of stones (rice) put in the right timing to make the sea sound like its going over stones.
the last bit is a river sound to create the swell put in the right place.
the effects i put in was first a EQ in the wave tracks to lower the sound to try and remove the reverb created by recording in a bathroom. the i pitch shift them to sound more like the strenght of real waves. i then EQ the rice to make it sound more like stones by taking the high freqences out.
the waves are also panned to create a thickness of sound.
for the ships horn i added 4 effects. first i used studio effects to lenghten the sound with the pitch. i then added a reverb to make it sound far away. then i added a pitch shift to lower it to sound like a ships horn. i then added a slight eq to take of the very high frequencies.
it then need some more ummpth so i added a bass harmonic to stenghten the sound.
this is for the electircal buzz. i used 4 diffrent sounds layered over eachother and leveled so diffrent sounds come through. i then used volume ossilation on 1 of the clips.
for the door part i used 2 seperate door opening and shutting sounds. layered it sounded my powerfull. i had to level the shut well as it needed to be loud as it cut of the other sounds but not so loud as it ruin the mix.
this shows clearly the effects i put on the beatle talking section. the first track i automated the 1 band eq
second track i layer and added a reverse
3rd 1 i added a reverb automated
this shows a small section of the clips i used.
I had to work hard to level the clips to work together. i also used panning to create widder sounds on bits which had layered sounds.
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