Monday, 7 March 2016

essay notes. from lecture

psychoanalysis: a paradigm for understanding art 

used over the years to analysis artwork - look into past artworks. how it is used to analyse other films 










3 ways to access the unconscious
-freudian slip

interpretation of dreams 

dreams contain long forgoen memories and the day's residues
contain a MANIFEST CONTENT and an unconscious LATENT CONTENT which are both connected by via a system of transformations
interpreation turns he alien manifest dream into something with pyschica meaning an unconscious wish hat the subject is trying to express

ID (instincts) (i want)    EGO(reality) (i will)   SUPEREGO (morality) (i should)

displacement is a unconscious defense mechanism, our mind transfes an emotion from one object to another, because the emotion for he original object is deemed to be dangerous
it accurs when the ID wants to do something that the SUPEREGO does not permit, the EGO thus finds some other way of releasing this tention. this creates repression.  

how to find meaning 

referential meaning

explicit meaning

implicit meaning

symptomatic meaning

freuds stages of pyschosexual devlopment

centres of pleasure changes

oral(mouth source of gratification from others)    
anal(anus sensual satisfaction and self control)
phallic (genitalia, mastrubation, oedipus complex)    
latency (pleasure from physical and intellecual activies, sexaul impulses repressed)
genital (pleasure directed towards full sexual maturation and function of sexual characteristics)

sexual drive can be displaced onto non sexual objects to become pervesions. this sexual enregy can also be channelled into non sexual actives

mirror stage 

lacan suggested that psychic roots lay in the unconscious creation of a spectacular fantasised mirror image, he concluded that children identify an ideal image of themselves in order to devlop their motor capacities
when the kid looks in a mirror he gains a mistaken image of himself as an independent being (without his mother holding him) he described this as a form of misrecognition and this fantasy of being autonmous persists into adult
the fantasy of the ideal ego remains with us , the kid is the signifier and the mirror supplies the signified
language allows social

lacan's three orders 

imaginary, symbolic and the real represent the stages of psychic maturation

the real is the absolute being, its the body and desire

the imaginary is the preself conscious state of infant up to the mirror stage identified with the mother  (realm of apperances and semblances)

the symbolic is the social language realm that we enter at a later stage and identify with  the father with the masculine and the world of order and authority

symptoms arise from trying to hold the 3 orders together


to be looked at
from camera to characters
between characters on screen
between viewers and the screen

male : peeping tom
sexual gratification from observing others
from sigmund freud scopohilia
pleasure in looking is a childhood instinct which is sublimated into a interest in art or get fixated into the female body
ID desires in voyurism appeals to adverts and pornography
film making works on voyuristic charactristics
objectification and fetishism are related to scopohillia. people are treated like object to be enjoyed by the voyeur.

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