Sunday, 5 November 2017

nighttime windows script

nighttime window script 

scene 1 - abusive relationship 

open to a black screen. after a few seconds a light turns on. shown is small window in the middle of the screen. it has a few family objects in it. 
a small black cat enters from the darkness and sits on the window sill.
the sound of arguing come in softly and progressivly louder. as it does the camera zooms in.  when it reaches its peek there is the sound of a glass smash. the cat jumps of to the side and is lost in the darkness. 
two shilouttes enter the scene. a man and a women. they are shouting and grabbing each other. they leave the window and a light turns on the room to the right. they are on the bed having sex. as they do this a small child enters the window on the left. 

scene 2- exesivness

 the camera pans over and the sex noises are overcome by the sounds of a party. there is flashing lights in the window. there is a girl sat in the window throwing up and crying. you can see a couple kissing on her right. the cat walks pass unnoticed. it jumps over to the room in its right. the window sill is covered in bottles. in knocks many off. you hear a girl walk into the room the fall over with move glass smashing. the cat jumps off down

scene 3 - possessions 

the camera follows down and sees the cat land on a new window. the room is full of hoarded objects. a mouse runs over some of the objects. there are lots of photos of a relative. an the objects are their stuff hoarded. walking across to the next ajesent  room the cat sees a bird on the window sill the cat chases it and amedialty is greated with dogs barking up at the window and loads of other animals running around in the background. the bird flies off. 

scene 4- learning. 

the bird lands on a window sill. the cat follows and traps it. then lets it go. a girl runs in the room and slams the door. you can hear the school bell as she does this. she thows her bag off to the side and runs off to her telescope and looks out. the cat looks up with her. then walks off. as it does the window glass reflects the stars. 

****needs a transition here into more surreal elements 


mirrow in the room. 

scene 5- mirror room 

the jumps onto a window. one of the windows is open. the only thing in the room is a single mirror. the mirror shows a scene of nighttime windows. the cat walks into the room and steps through the mirror. the camera follows through. 

scene 6- isolation - cinemagraph 

the camera passes close to a window. the scene is a cineagraph of a man looking out the window. a few things move in the background. like the fan and his hair. you can see that he doesnt have company often. the camera is very close to him and the cat is again unnoticed. 

scene 7- tv room 

the camera zooms in on the wall of light up rooms at one room fills the frame. the cat is sat on the window sill washing itself. inside the  window is static

 studdenly it switches to found footage from the news. showing war and such. after a while it is switched to cartoons 

scene 8 - digital pixel art 

the cat enters the frame. the window is covered by curtains. the cat enters the open window. the camera follows through. inside is a man sat at his computer. is is all 2d pixel art. behind his computer is a whole world full of computer refrences and methaphors for the digital age. the cat goes up to the guy. he strokes it but doesnt look away from the computer. the curtains fall infront of the camera and it moves on. 

scene 9- claymation 

the camera moves on to another room. inside is a claymation man. he is looking at himself in a mirror and shaping himself. trying to make himself look like the pictures on the wall. he ends up crying and ripping bits off his body. the cat plays with the clay. then leaves. 

scene 10- history parrlax effect. 

the cat walks past window. it is now a kitten. the window contains a parralax landscape with lots of elements of old black and white photos which move. they show many parts of human history, good and bad. the cat walks off, getting older as it does. 

scene 11- loop animation 

A is sat in his office looking out the window. in the backround you can see the whole process of his work. people doing things. he has one job to stamp something then does it over again. the whole process loops perfectly. the cat intrupts this loop and the whole process falls apart and the man smiles and the cat leaves. 

scene 12- paper animation 

the cat enters the window. inside is paper cut out people in a social situation. one of the people is constantly changing into different things to try and fit in but is ignored till he turns into something attractive. the cat is in the corner ripping up paper. when the see it they shout and it leaves 

scene 13- 2d pencil drawingite) 

little guy drawing his own meaning and rubbing them out. 

scene 14 -composite human influence


Scene 15- 3d END 

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