same story, different perspectives
i wanted to explore how people can be linked and have a network around a story, how you can all experience the same thiung but think diffrently about the same event due to your conceptual scheme of ideology.
ive been reading the sound and the fury for inspiration
which is basically the same story told by diffrent people and how they interact with it
simpsons also did a related thing with the same story told diffrent ways.
so my idea is to have something very simple but change the meaning which we get from it via sound. i want the same clip of story to be seen through diffrent "lens" of ideology
ie. family oriented
I think the first thing i need to think about first is what will actually be seen on the screen.
I think the first thing i need to think about first is what will actually be seen on the screen.
production design
i want the room to be fairly blank, almost like an old warehouse room and have the action take part in this room.
I like the idea of having the action take part in an abandoned area. so there isn't to much influence of class to influence the meaning of the action. It will also allow the freedom of movement i would like.
I think if i can get an abandoned area i will have to try and improvise.
one other idea i have had is emptying my garage
and doing it in there.
i will look into other locations later.
story (action)
the action in the story will be very important
the big question is if i want to have the action actually mean something or just be something the audience has to interpret.
whilst in the lecture today about post humanity it brought to mind what actually makes us human. i was thinking about certain things we all share.
firstly chance. we are things of cercumsrtance. an acidental envolution leading to humans
secondly death. what makes us alive and something we all share is the fact we will all die one day.
i want these two elements to make up the story of my piece as it the fundemental network we excist in
illustrated in this quote by steve jobs
“Death is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life.”
― Steve Jobs
action wise i want to have a few diffrent actions to represent this philosphy of existentialism.
a first idea would be to use the flipping of a coin on a desk to represent chance.
maybe landing in a pool of blood
i think in order to gain more inspired ideas for this i will have to research into "free will and determinsim" and "existentialism"
determinsim : the doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes regarded as external to the will. Some philosophers have taken determinism to imply that individual human beings have no free will and cannot be held morally responsible for their actions.
existentialism : a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will. (existentilism)
points from the video
- what gives life meaning ?
- religion given meaning
- essense : defining property
- essensilism : born to do a certian thing
- nihilsm : meaningneless
- existemnimslm : we write our own essense, no pre dertermined essense
- our existence has no inherent purpose
- absured : search for meaning in a meaningless world
- no absolutes rules
- problem of freedom , condemed to be free , no authority, all fake (dont have the answer)
- problems which have no answer, go to war or look after one could give an answer has to make his own choise
points from video
- belief in afterlife
- getting into afterlife : the ultimate final exam
- dreamless sleep - socrates or afterlife with people who had died
- we our only our bodies - without senseation
- only pleasure and pain - materlism
- you and death are never together
- sanity of life - inheritly good or bad (detrerminsm and free will)
points from the video
- edeopous - no escaping faite the book
- libertairn free will - we can act free
- cause and effect
- hard determism - everything has a cause and couldnt happen any ohter way
- the broken reletionship between free will and hard determinism
- are thoughts non physical ?
- agent causation - propelled by a mind
- what would cause a agent ?
- mental states = brain states = phyiscal = determisitc
- belief +desire + temperment = action
- chance .....flipping a coin is also determined .....luck doesnt exisit !!!!!
- personal responsiblity
research neicher and sarte
now i will take the main elements from this research and try and think of visual examples
I think an important shot will be an ultra wide angle shot to incorporate the figure in the entire room and show his movement
i like the distortion affect created via a wide angle lens and depth and intensity of the location when using that camera angle. i think it would bring a distance for the character which would be intresting for the interpretation of his actions.
I have played with the idea of having the only shot being a wide angle and having a long continous surveillance esc style to the film.
issues this would bring up would be the audience not being able to pick out the actions, but debatebly i could use cleaver cheorgaphy and set design to solve that.
i will have to practice both singlur wide shot and mulitple shots to see which is possible.
the more i think about it id love to just have the continuous wide shot and make the action almost like a play.
waiting for godo erasor head
this set from waiting for godot shows a style of set i think is intresting for my film. the whole play takes place on this one set with characters entering from off stage. its intresting the connection you get from a scene if you are kept there for a while.
i think having lots of space between objects can be very powerfull. also not having too much unessary stuff in shot.
i want to use the table in the middle for inspiration.
i think having the objects on the table in the middle would be intresting and having something all over the room visual representing death.
symbols for death
i want to use the table in the middle for inspiration.
i think having the objects on the table in the middle would be intresting and having something all over the room visual representing death.
symbols for death
- dead tree
- black flowers
- vulture
- skull
i think the issue would be these symbols being to recogniabe. i want the methphors to be more ambigous.
i like the idea of using black flowers and dead tree
obvsously a whole tree is two much but a small tree would be good with black flowers around it.
science :
Abstract vector wireframe landscape background
this over the image
trying to put the world in a box
communist : red filter
audio examples
location ideas
abandoned school room
underground car park ......farnham and farnbrough
my garage watch for ideas on creative use of existalsim
first i need to think of the activity going on in the loop (i am going to take the main parts of my reseach and think of a way to display them)
from my meeting with rosie we discussed susyphus and the simlicisty of this one action to display alot of meaning. this is something i will take alot of infulunce from
- essensilism
- existentalism
- problems which have no answer, go to war or look after one could give an answer has to make his own choise
- getting into afterlife : the ultimate final exam
- free will vs determinism
existental nihalism : if life is meaning less how to deal with it. ......example mask showing happy face with sad underneath
this is the abandoned school house in dunsfold. it has a small play room which would of been good. but permisions and practicability where an issue
one example of something could be wearing the happy mask whilst reading from the bible and drinking and doing fun things then hte mask comes off. DISTRACT YOURSELF
looking at watch when mask comes off.
write god is dead on the bible
you are everything you do. nothing deep down. Diary with ME written on it.
the fact we have no meaning is both the thing that holds up back and also the thing that sets us free. we have no constraints
building a tower out of stones. the stones fall down
chain around one arm.
i like the tower of stone as it firstly is symbotic of sisyphus but also oF Sand mandalas in buddisht culture
this theme fits with the absurd section of radical existentialism.
intial synopsis
guy walks in shot. sits down and makes rock stack. rock stack falls he is very upset. man puts on smile mask. guy picks up beer (other pleasure object) and uses it then throws it away. then picks up bible and does the same. man takes off mask and looks at his watch. walks off shot.
location development
I have done research into the abanondoned school an found that getting permission would be very difficult due to health and saftey reasons. issues also have arrisen about getting a actor to location an ability to bring the props. i had similar issues with the car park. i think due to these problems and the time scale my garrage will be the best solution. it brings with it advantages of being able to use the power from the house. ease of transport and the ability to have full created freedom with dressing the set.
this is the abandoned school house in dunsfold. it has a small play room which would of been good. but permisions and practicability where an issue
this is the old alley in Farnham. good for filming. sadly the lighting is terrible and no place to plug in lights. also permission with time frame difficult
this is my family house shed. it is very messy but as a space it is good. it has basic walls and a flat structure. when i clear it it will be very good for filming. should be the right size to capture everything with the wide angle lens
camera devolpment
i had the induction for the lumix gh4. it is a good video camera and i like the accessorys it has with it. would be a very good camera to film but sadly the issue is i wont be able to use a wide angle lens on it. the widest is 14mm which wont cause the distortion i want. this means that i will have to use ethans cannon 4d it has a much wider lens.
taking to the technician this will be fine and still provide a great filming quality.
big development
on a night out I came back from the student union and found something amazing in the darkness. an abondoned trolley. then it hit me, using this in my film would be a perfect methphor for the consumition baised culture to distract from existentist nihilism.
what im going to do is put loads of ditraction baised props in the trolley and this is where the actor is going to pick up the bible ect.
on either end of the room i will have my old steamer trunk and drift wood. symbolising the journey and death.
big development
on a night out I came back from the student union and found something amazing in the darkness. an abondoned trolley. then it hit me, using this in my film would be a perfect methphor for the consumition baised culture to distract from existentist nihilism.
what im going to do is put loads of ditraction baised props in the trolley and this is where the actor is going to pick up the bible ect.
on either end of the room i will have my old steamer trunk and drift wood. symbolising the journey and death.
Clearing the set
I then had to clear my family shed to prepare for the shoot. I moved the bikes into the house to keep them safe then moved the other equipment into another shed. i put up the plank of wood to block most of the unmoveable stuff. i am going to black that whole side out in after effects. I then cleared the floor and moved unneasary debry.
then I had to buy a few props, these included stones, chains and other small objects such as the spray paint and mask and fake flowers.
Hi jay this is a fascinating post and I finally remembered the name of the artist I was struggling with _ Gary Hill was his name and the work I absolutely love is called site_recite here is the link on ubuweb:
This work is all about mortality. i was thinking of it mainly because its lighting and in the way the camera is set at the same level as the objects that Hill films. However I must have got a vibe from your description as it seems to fit with your intention also.
The book I mentioned is called Art & Ecology Now - thames and Hudson edited by Andrew Brown.
i hope the shoot goes well email me if you have problems.