Monday, 22 February 2016

experimental video synopsis


a disconected spirit of humanity (created via stop motion) explores and idealist painting esk landscape mediating the future of humanity via interacting with the landscape itself. the landscapes represent the two ideas of utopia, one a technology driven urban environment the other an natural edenistic paradice. through these interactions the spirit trys to weigh up which future it eutopia and which is a dead zone.  

the theme explores the idea of utopia. it is a reflective piece on what a true Utopia would involve, whether it would be a technology driven urban environment or a natural edenistic style land before the stems of agriculture took it's hold. this theme will be show through a relationship between urban and rural environments. these environments will be contrasted using both visual and audible similarities (for example a river of people in a city contrasted to a actual river) , visual and audible methaphor will be essential to developing this conversation with the audience about the true nature of a Utopia.

the spirit represents the spirt of humanity. it will serve a role as a mediator between the two ideals (urban and rural). this will be show through her interaction with the environment, this for example may be the walking through the two rivers. she will be interacting with both enviroments symbolising the human interaction with the two ideals. however this will be made more complicated by the fact she is stop motion, this will create a disconnected feeling towards the two environments (a feeling all people get about trying to make a real diffrence)

the audible aspect of the film will be an experimental sound scape created via recording live sounds from both urban and rural places. this piece will tap into a natural rhtyhm between both enviroments and try a create an harmony whilst still keeping the distinct nature. i want the sound to have a methaphorical meaning towards the overall theme of the piece.

the visual aspects of the environment will revolve around wide shots to incorporate the entire landscape and the methaphor and meaning will come from this so visually stunning wide shots will bring focus to the meaning of the landscapes which the spirit is traversing. the other element will be created in post, this is the turner style blurred landscape. i want this to represent the blurred lines between the two ideals of urban and rural utopias and the bright representative colours to relate to our emotional investment in the issue.  

scene ideas
(these are the visual metaphors i want to convey through the film)

walking through spider web with internet laptop

fast food burger in a field of cows

leaf floating in the wind with plastic sainsbury bag

rock stacking and high rises

scraching in tree and phones

walking through river (hunting) and walking through river of people

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