1. challange orthadox notions of the purpose and funtion of a movie
gets you to reflect on your viewing experience, what is it's purpose
opens our minds to new concepts
my artist i choose was bill viola, you can see from his interviews and his work he didnt want to create the mainstream, he wanted his work to follow a different path, this isnt mainstream entertainment and you view it in a art gallary not in your home. we explore other meanings to enhance our own lives. the concepts are meant to add meaning to us via his work
For 40 years he has created videotapes, architectural video installations, sound environments, electronic music performances, flat panel video pieces, and works for television broadcast. Viola’s video installations—total environments that envelop the viewer in image and sound—employ state-of-the-art technologies and are distinguished by their precision and direct simplicity (billviola.com)
working with optical illusions
2. puts focus on the particullar not the whole.
you can see from his piece that their is no story here, no whole concept of characters of story it is just it's focus on the particullar of the elements and it's relationtionship to the human concousiness and experience.
3. works on relationships between it's abstract qualties
abstract form = working around a theme or relationship of objects
ie associational form = puts images together which dont have any logical connection and gets us to seach for one in them, find the assiocation.
in bill violas work you can see this via the relationship between earth wind rain and fire. these are abstract and the relationsips simbolises the conncetion between our world and our states of huminaity. bill viola works mostly on abstract form you can see this in all his pieces and the revolve around a theme mostly.
4. expermental film = poetry
narrative film-= novel
expresses emotion, beliefs, the personal position in film
empasses personal voice and vision through singularity of imagery through voice overs or handheald camera movments, makes in personal.
existental philosphy
explores human concouisness
"keep a constant dialogue with myself since i was 12 years old" bill viola
this is why he uses water in his work as he feel in a lake when he was 6
researchs other artists and gets inspiration for elements in the real world. showing life and death.
bill violas work is all personal, they stem from personal experience and create a conection with the real world. his water pieces work from his experience when he was 6 and he uses it to show the idea of acceptance in this piece, that is part of him. he also used home movies which were all personal and handheld which shows his lyricisim.
5. formalism = concenced of problems of form over content
poetry of motion
expermenting with light motion and time
associative form= create a psychological or formal resonance (dreamlike)
realtionships between objects
metatphorical assocation relate a objects together via a concept
symbolic assocation realtes isolates single objects and gives it a symbolic realtion to a concept
structural form= rejects narrative films form and tell addience to focus on material of film
it is about the process of the film making, zoom, dof ect to create meaning
participatory form = centralise on the viewer and the place of viewing
expanded cinema,
"video is a kind of electronic water" bill viola
emptiness, the space bwetween all the physical objects, he gives empty space to simbolise this emptiness zen teaching. we exisit inbetween. working with the idea of self knowladge. water and the idea of self relection.
"cameras hold souls"
he creates associative form in his piece the raft this concetion and psycological relaition with others is shown through the collective experience of the water.
participatory form can be found in room for saint john it's all about where it is viewed and its realtionship to the freedom of our lives. the mountains also act as a methphor for rising about your termentors.
6. meaning in every element, focus and methaphor
"more than just the surface of life" bill viola
western art as well as spiritual traditions, including Zen Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and Christian mysticism. Using the inner language of subjective thoughts and collective memories, his videos communicate to a wide audience, allowing viewers to experience the work directly, and in their own personal way.
elements like the style of shot matter for its personability ect. also things like water as ive meantions matter. the objects in and imagery all simbolises something more. he uses strong elements from the world to give meaning.
Good research Jay - Bill Viola is a great choice. I am hoping for us to go and visit some exhibitions in London this term and you will be able to see his Martyrs work in St Pauls which is just across the Thames from the Tate modern.