on the first day of phil's lessons we first went into creating a 3d landscape in a 2d photograph using photoshop and after effects, this was very tricky as alot of the programing realied on a well taken photograph but i did end up creating one which worked.
i have a verson on my computer at uni.
we then learnt how to use cameras in photoshop and use animated layers to create composited landscapes to tranverse through.
this made me think of the adventure time opening graphics.
i really like how this looked with animation. it required moving layers in responce with the camera. i is something i want to use more in my work.
I then moved onto one of my big influences which was
Saul Bass
i really like the simple vector animation in this opening sequence and it became a big influnce for me.
I started making simple shapes on after effects to practice with it.
I really liked the idea of using the light from windows to show something happening in a building.
i wanted a vector style of something like this and working with a character in the rooms. from looking and practicing with diffrent windows the film came to me
i thought this perfectly fitted what i wanted to do. so then i went home to story board what i should do.
this story board was fairly complicated. if i had more time i would of moved the character to diffrent situations
my other idea was to work with using a telescope as my camera. have it zoom in and focus ect and have the outside a blurred bigger verson.
here you can see i liked the bright colours for the window contracted with the black character.
through practice a made a telecope that worked in class, it could focus and it had blurr around the rim, i did this using layers and maskes to tell what should be effected.
Then i had a problem, i didnt have time to fully focus on this project so i had to simplify and use assets i could use in my other animaiton. i therefore dicided to focus away from cameras and towards character animaiton. something i really wanted to learn.
me and phill then talked about duik....he gave me a tutorial to watch.
this was so usefull and i watched the whole thing ....5 hours :O
this was my arm animation using the IK rig
i decided for the walk cycle i wanted i could use the auto rig successfully
this was my first version
i was good practice and the movement worked fairly well. i felt comfortable doing it with a nicer looking character (no offence mr stick man)
this is my final character i made in illustator. i think it looks fairly good, i like the stylist look.
i then animated him using duik in after effects. i started with body and leg position, then foot rotation then arm movement then hand roation
this is how i created the lights turning on and off effect using iluustator layers and oppasity. i tried maskes but i couldnt copy and move masks to make identiical windows. this internet didnt have a easy solution .....if there is one let me know
this is what it looked like with all the layers put together. i think it looked okay
i will now talk about style, this is something i worked on after the animation but its usefull to say. i really like vector animation, it looks so simple but infact there is so many layers to make it look good, i got inspiration from lots of vector art
this is the style i love but i want to do this proparly i knew it would take soo long, so i decided to change the style using pen paths and textures in illustator to create a look
this can be seen with the crane, i used this to add depth to the image, i animated it as i thought it was a nice detail.
i did do the stars with dots at the start but i liked to connect them to my style so looked into more simplistic looking style, i looked good, i drew them all randomly.
this is the look which came out. i think it looked nice.
for font i put alot of thought into what style i wanted.
if i was going to be realist i think im not 100% happy with the font, i think i needed more time to get it great.
this is how i put in the character. i could change his(her :0 ) speed and position and when they disipeared. i could i flip the character using an effect.
the rest of the animation was through simple key frames.
music i wrote in FL STUDIO....i wanted a chilled jazzy feel so used a double bass and celo combo with keys ontop.
its got quite a few layers.
what i learnt from this was duik animation, so i think it was very successful for me. i think i am getting better and it is something i want to continue with. but with another idea.
if i could change something it would be to add in cameras. but i didnt have the time.